GCD Short - You are the Parent
I have come up with an idea that I want to play with. I don't know if this will prove popular or not, but it will help me to post content at those times when I am otherwise busy with life or with researching a topic that I feel is or may be important, as is the case right now. I think there could also be value to this idea in that the content that I will post is of a nature that I consider to be a lost art.
That lost art is the art of parenting. It seems that as the generations have progressed there has been a lack of fortitude in the upbringing of our next generations. As someone who has dealt with the years of my own children's youth and having seen how they turned out, I hope that I can add some value to the lives of other parents through my own observations and experiences. I think I will call these posts "GCD Shorts"
Following is what a GCD Short text might look like.
One thing that parents seem to have lost sight of is the simple fact that you are the parent. You are the adult. You are the one that has the maturity to foresee consequences of actions.
You are not your child's friend, though there can and should be a strong relationship between you and your child. It is your job to be the bad guy when necessary; especially if you are the dad. Moms are the more comforting of the two parents and sometimes mom needs dad's support to back her up. And sometimes dad has to be the bad guy to the entire family. It sucks sometimes, but if you, as a dad, cannot stand up for the good of your family, then who will? Men have a different way of seeing things in the world than women do, and this is an important aspect. A man will likely see the long-term ramifications of a decision or a trajectory more clearly and at a greater distance than a woman will, and it is our responsibility to exercise this to the benefit of our family.
So man up, or woman up, and let your kids know that they are not the boss of the household; you are.
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