
Showing posts from November, 2020

Not a Weak Faith

 Why do devout Christians feel that the restrictions on gathering to worship are more than just a public safety measure? There are many people that believe that the government is doing the "right thing", maybe even not enough of the "right thing" by setting myriad restrictions on the general public in their efforts to fight Covid-19. These people seem to include those from virtually every walk of life, economic status or religious conviction. So why is it that those pesky church goers seem to think that they need to protest our benevolent government's actions to protect us from ourselves? They claim to be Christians, but they can't be very good Christians because the Bible says that we are to submit to those placed in authority over us, as those people are placed in their position of authority by God Himself. So why do these Christians seem to think they have the right, the obligation even, to try to thwart the carefully considered actions of our magnanimous...

"christian" Politics of Fear

 Lately there has been in the news a recurrence of stories relating to things that have happened in or around a largish city that I live near and frequently visit, that city being Steinbach, Manitoba. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with it, Steinbach is the largest urban center founded by Mennonites in Manitoba. There have been many people that have moved into the area over the last 10 - 15 years who are not of a Mennonite heritage, but I believe that the majority of the population are still of a Mennonite background. Part of the Mennonite heritage is our adherence to our religious convictions. The Mennonite peoples have been known to pick up roots and leave an area, and even a country, due to religious persecution. Mennonites are also a pacifist people group and our forefathers secured for us exemption from military service before having immigrated to Canada, based on these religious convictions. Mennonites have enjoyed many years of peace, productivity and freedom in this...

Are We Being Led or Are We Being Ruled?

 People require leadership. People have always required leadership. Not only do people require leadership, they search for it, even long for it. Let's face it, most people are followers, by necessity. If everybody was a leader there would be nobody to follow them. Nothing requiring more than one person would ever get accomplished. Even if you had several like-minded people dedicated to the same outcome, if everybody tried to lead and refused to follow, they would accomplish nothing. This means that we not only need leaders, but we also need followers, and a lot of them. We also need leaders that are willing to follow other leaders while leading those who have chosen to follow them. We have all likely found someone towards whom we gravitate and whom we greatly respect. We may not even really understand why we gravitate towards that person, there is just something about them that we like or admire, and if that person would ask or tell us to do something we would gladly do as we have ...

Do I believe something because it is true, or is it true because I believe it?

 This blog is something that I felt compelled to start way back in early 2018. I had no idea why, I had no idea what I was doing (I still don't), and it went nowhere fast, just to end up lying dormant for almost two and half years. Now I am writing again, but I still don't know why.  I like to learn, and I like to share what I have learned with others. Maybe that's the point of this blog. I also tend to have an aversion to going with the flow. When I see everybody around me going left, I tend to stop and look right to see what people are walking away from. If I see something that interests me, then I'll move closer to investigate. As it turns out, as I investigate I am often intrigued by what I am finding and I gravitate more so to the alternate option. I don't understand this compulsion; it just is what it is. I do not do this blindly though. If what I am finding is logically untenable, that's it, I'm out of there. That being said, there are people that bel...

Covid-19: What are the Facts? Does Anybody Know?

Following is a dissertation on what I have come to understand about Covid-19, based upon my own research into what others are finding and saying, as well a basic biological facts that have been undisputed for decades. What is Covid-19 and why does it divide us as it does? Covid-19 is the designation given to a virus that came onto the world stage in 2019, showing up first in Wuhan Province in China and then spreading around the world thanks to our global economy and air travel. The Covid-19 virus is a variation of the corona virus. Every flu season has a typical cycle to it. It generally begins in early to mid-autumn with the arrival of the rhinovirus. As the winter encroaches on us there will generally be an A or B type strain of influenza that makes an appearance, and as we approach spring and into the early summer we deal with some variant of a corona virus. [1] This happens every year. Each strain of each virus will be a variation of previous strains of the previous years’ vir...