Not a Weak Faith
Why do devout Christians feel that the restrictions on gathering to worship are more than just a public safety measure? There are many people that believe that the government is doing the "right thing", maybe even not enough of the "right thing" by setting myriad restrictions on the general public in their efforts to fight Covid-19. These people seem to include those from virtually every walk of life, economic status or religious conviction. So why is it that those pesky church goers seem to think that they need to protest our benevolent government's actions to protect us from ourselves? They claim to be Christians, but they can't be very good Christians because the Bible says that we are to submit to those placed in authority over us, as those people are placed in their position of authority by God Himself. So why do these Christians seem to think they have the right, the obligation even, to try to thwart the carefully considered actions of our magnanimous...