Talking with God Preamble / Spiritual Battle for Our Kids

My wife and I have been having some pretty amazing things occurring in and through us in the last few months. In a previous post I made a quick mention of something that involved our kids and I said I would touch on it later.

Well, apparently it's later. This was not going to be my topic for today but it flows into what I want to say so I'll include it.

In very early January my wife and I were discussing our concerns about our children over the last year. We have three kids ranging from teenager to adolescent. We had seen that our oldest was stressed out and worn out all of the time, our middle child didn't seem to deal well with other people as a whole, and our youngest has been dealing with physical health issues for several years already but was also wound up tight. Everything started to change with our youngest.

For a little back story, in late 2014 our youngest got very sick. She was in the Children's Hospital for about a week and we almost lost her. Since then she has dealt with chronic constipation/diarrhea. If it wasn't one it was the other. As mentioned earlier she was also wound up tighter than a Swiss watch.

We had just had a family meeting in the living room; something that we have occasionally to discuss things that we are dealing with as a unit or changes that we want to make to how the household is run or changes to long standing rules, etc. Our oldest two children left the room when we were done but our youngest stayed sitting. There was something "off" about her. We noticed that her eyes looked dark, not like those of a child. My wife and I started to talk to her to see what was wrong and if we could help her.

As we spoke with our daughter I mentioned that I thought that at least some of her intestinal issues were connected to her anxiety and that we needed to figure out why she was worked up about so much stuff. If we could get her to relax then maybe her physical issues would take care of themselves. As we tried to talk to her she was hesitant to talk, and both my wife and myself felt led by God that we were dealing with spiritual issues. Specifically demonic influences in her life.

Now that's a scary thing to realize; that your adolescent is being demonically attacked and you as a parent had not realized it, potentially for years! My children are aware that we believe that there is a spiritual realm all around us and that we (my wife and I, mostly me) had been involved in incursions into that realm for years, but that again is a whole other story, so I'll have to leave that hanging there until a later date. I believe that it was myself that stated out loud that there were demons involved with how our daughter was feeling. I began talking with our daughter about this while my wife prayed silently beside her.

I told my daughter that I was sensing that the demon called Worry was holding on to her, and that she was also holding on to him. I told her, correctly or not (probably not according to things I have learned since), that I could not free her from Worry unless she was willing to let go of him first. Even if this "theology" was incorrect I felt it was important to make it clear to her that there was a decision that she had to make in this process - to let go and not to embrace Worry again.

I started coaching her towards telling the demon of Worry to leave her, but she was resistant. She was actually worried about what her life would be like if she let go of Worry. That's a serious hold. My wife and I were encouraging her to tell the demon of Worry to leave her but she was afraid to do it; her eyes showed it. I thought that our daughter was too tired to deal with it and started to suggest that she go to bed and that we would deal with it in the morning, but my wife said that she felt that we needed to confront the demons then and there. I sensed that I needed to agree with her.

This is when the real battle began. As my wife prayed support, I began to pray over our daughter. I sensed that there were other demons attached to our daughter that she was not holding onto herself, so I started calling them out of her. I prayed against, bound and removed from my beloved daughter first Fear, then Despair; Lies and Deceit were also revealed to me. To be clear, our daughter was not a liar, but she was listening to and believing lies in her head and her heart. Later on, my wife told me that as I named, bound and removed each of those demons one by one, our daughter's grip on her mother's hand relaxed with each one. This still left Worry.

Once these other demons had been removed, my daughter found the resolve to speak to Worry herself. She told Worry that she was letting go of him and she proclaimed Jesus' name and sent Worry away. What a moment! We all opened our eyes. Our daughter looked at us and we saw immediately that her eyes were different, they were brighter, a lot brighter, and we got to see her beautiful smile that we had not seen for a long time! She was freed! I made sure that she understood that she could not allow Worry to get a foothold in her life again and as I write this, three months later, we see no indication of the emotional problems we had seen before. Her body is still healing from her physical issues which we have been told can take years, but it seems to actually be healing now whereas that didn't seem to be the case before.

The next day at lunch, we asked our other two children if they saw a difference in their sister and they both proclaimed that they did. We then encouraged our youngest to tell them of our shared experience. To try to make this shorter I'll just say that our oldest came to see us that very evening and we prayed over her as well. We removed imps such as low self confidence, fear, worry and one or two more. My wife and I knew that we had to do the same for our son and waited to see if he would come to us while we prayed for him privately; my wife even spent most of the next two nights praying outside his room. During that intercessory prayer my wife sensed that our son was dealing with more demons than his sisters had been.

Finally, two days later, he came to us. We explained again what we had done with his sisters and he agreed that he wanted us to pray over him. We removed a dozen demons from our boy. Some seemed contradictory to us, such as Fear of Success and Fear of Failure. There was Anger, Judgement, Anxiety and Worry to name a few more. His shoulders were tense and his arm was shaking as we prayed. His shoulders gradually relaxed as we prayed over him and removed demons, but his arm was still shaking until we removed Worry, then his arm stopped shaking and he relaxed completely.

All of our kids are changed. Their eyes all shine brighter, even our friends see the difference. Our daughters are singing and our son was literally immediately phusically taller. We even have less fighting! We as parents have the authority and the obligation to battle for the souls of our children. This is the ultimate way to protect them from the lies of this world and other than leading them to a relationship with Jesus Christ, I now believe that spiritual battle is one of the greatest things that we can undertake to do for our children.

This has gotten longer than I had anticipated. I think I will have to continue it another time to get to what I actually intended to say today.

Praise be to God for His insight and the power that we have, as parents, in and through Him, to battle for our children in the spiritual realm.

This is just a glimpse into a heavy topic that many may not be comfortable dealing with, but I think that this is an issue that should be dealt with in Christian circles. Let me know what you think by sharing your thoughts in the comments box below.


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