
Showing posts from January, 2025

Domesticated Religion

   At this time I am reading through the book of Joshua in my personal devotions. Just today I read in chapter 10 about the heroic and intensely masculine actions taken by Joshua and the Israelites. To set the context, in chapter nine we read about the failure of Joshua and the Israelite leaders to bring a matter to God before joining into a covenant of peace with the Gibeonites, who acted deceitfully towards the Israelites due to the very real and relevant fear of their people getting wiped out by the military campaigns by the Israelites against the peoples of the land of Canaan. The Israelites determined with only their eyes and their ears whether the Gibeonites were a people from far away as they stated, or if they were a nearby people acting to save their own skins. The Israelites failed to inquire of God in this matter and they were deceived. Upon discovery of the deceit, of course, Israel was angry, but Joshua was determined that they would not break the covenant that th...

Spanking is Not Abuse

   We live in a time when the world is over populated by people with multiple degrees behind their names who have access to tools which can amplify their personal ideologies around the world. I am not necessarily complaining, because though I do not have any degrees, I can also amplify my own ideologies around the world, but because I don't have the degrees, there is a large swath of the population that will grant my opinions no weight or merit. If you are reading this, I appreciate the value that you place on my thoughts, and I will not take that for granted. For my entire life, value has been placed on a post-secondary education, which has elevated the respect granted to the likes of teachers, professors, scientists, doctors and lawyers far above where they should really be. As such, the views of people in these professions are more readily sought, though in my opinion are seldom worth their own weight. Such is the case with "child psychologists". For literally millenni...

What Does It Mean to Enter God's Rest?

 God rested. We are told in the account of creation that we find in Genesis that after God had completed six days worth of creation work, that His work was good, even very good, and that He rested on the seventh day. Later, during the Exodus of the Israelite nation from Egypt, God spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai and laid out the rules and laws by which His people were supposed to live as part of His covenant with them. These rules include that the people were to rest on the seventh day, just as God rested. This is the fourth commandment, found in Exodus 20:8-11," “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9  Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10  but the seventh day is a sabbath of the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servant or your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you. 11  For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and r...

The Doctrine of Christian Perfection

A Continuation of the Thought Exercise of Jesus' Attained Perfection  While discussing with a friend my theory on the possibility that Jesus attained rather than retained His perfection while on earth, he encouraged me to chase this thought exercise to it's completion. Again, if you have not already read what I have written about this so far, you can click here , here and here to read the foundations already laid out in this thought exercise. I will warn that it can become a long read. For those who want a refresher or just the cliff notes version of what was written, I spent a fair amount of time and characters on the investigation into whether or not Jesus was born a perfect and sinless Saviour, or if He attained that perfection through the guidance of the Holy Spirit after His baptism. As followers of Christ, it is compulsory for us to accept that Jesus died as the perfect sacrifice for our sins; for us not to accept this means that there is no hope and no purpose for Jesu...

GCD Short - Discipline Begins Early

   It seems as though parents think that a child should only be disciplined when they are "older". There isn't really any specific age at which the child is "older", rather it appears that it is in the determination of the parent at what point the child has attained this magical stage. For some parents this may be when the child begins to understand words, or maybe when they are able to indicate a simple desire or need, such as hunger. There also seem to be some parents who think that a child is not old enough to be disciplined until they go to school, or attain adolescence or, so it seems, until they graduate high school, in which case they simply state that their child is now too old to be disciplined, shirking any responsibility for their entitled and spoiled adult child. This is not only lazy parenting, but is absolutely irresponsible! My position is that a child is old enough to be disciplined as soon as they start to assert their own will and can recognize...