Crucial Questions That We Need To Ask About The Asbury Revival
[When you are finished reading this post, please also take the time to read as it addresses some issues that I came across after writing this post.] I am somewhat loathe to write what I am about to write. This is not something that I want to put out there because I know that there are several, if not many, friends of mine and possibly countless strangers that will disagree with me on this, but I feel that there must be an alternate voice speaking about this. What I am talking about is, of course, the “Asbury Revival”, and I am about to throw a wet towel on the whole thing. If the mere reading of that statement offends you, then consider yourself warned about what follows, but I do ask that you will continue reading, as there are many things about this event that give me cause for concern. Things which you may not be aware of, but should be. I will preface what I am about to say with this: I hope that I am wron...