
Showing posts from December, 2020

Faith: Strong/Weak

 The Western church today is divided. I'm not talking about the different denominations, but even within each congregation there is a schism growing in regards to the Covid-19 restrictions. In Manitoba, the government did an amazing job of exacerbating the situation by mandating that no church could meet in any way, even in parking lot services, for about a month. They have since backed off on that position, though I doubt it was done for any reason other than the push back that they received, the lack of logic in the mandate and the possibility that it was not lawful to do so in the first place. I don't believe the government enacted this to intentionally single out the churches, but they acted out of fear, and that fear flowed down to the people of the province. Not only to those that attend church regularly, but even those for whom church has no meaning and no value. We saw not even a handful of churches stand up for their rights and continue to practice what they believe th

People, It's Just a Couple of Planets

  I have been bothered by something for a while now; something that has gained a lot of momentum on Facebook and other social media. I was just going to keep silent about this and let people have their excitement, but I cannot hold my tongue any longer. This is in regards to the "Christmas Star" that is going to be visible on December 21st. My position is that this is not a re-manifestation of the Star of Bethlehem, as it is commonly referred to, but rather just another astronomical re-occurrence. I keep seeing posts about the alignment of two planets in our sky and people seem so very excited about what it might mean. It seems to me that people are grasping at straws to try to find something positive to cling to, especially as this awful year draws to a close and Christians are trying to see prophecy fulfilled in every possible irregularity with eyes looking to the End Times. We must be very careful to correctly identify prophetic fulfillment where it is and not to put weigh

Dream of a Distopic Future

 I had a dream last night. It was somewhat lengthy and detailed. I woke up at 5:00 and felt the need to write some notes about it, like it is significant, but I don't yet know how. I also feel compelled to write about it here for some reason, so here we go. I am in this dream; I participate in it. It seems to take place in the future, but I seem to be about 15-16 years old and I am with three other guys, potentially classmates. We seem to be friendly, though not necessarily friends. There is one face in the whole dream that belongs to a real actual person and that face is on one of these guys. The face is that of a high school classmate of mine whom I have not seen or thought of in about 25 years - I'll call him Jimmie. In real life Jimmie and I were never friends, though as we moved along through high school and supposedly matured, we treated each other with a friendly disregard - we were friendly, not friends. This is how I reached the conclusion of my relationship with these

Why Do I Have To Make Things So Difficult?

 I have things that I want to write, but it seems that God has different plans for my blog. I have twice in the last week or so started on topics and struggled to piece together what I want to say, only to stop an hour or two later, staring at a whole lot of aimless ramblings. So I start a new post not knowing what I am writing, and I finish that post in an hour or less. Today I guess I am writing something that I didn't plan to write, so we'll see what comes out. This morning I had to run some errands. These errands involved the requirement that I engage with people directly which, in this age of Covid fear, is not always a simple matter. This is further complicated by the fact that I refuse to wear a face diaper. I generally just tell businesses that I am exempt. I do not have a doctor's note, nor even an officially diagnosed condition, but I know my body and I know that I have some lung issues from previous employment and I do not wish to damage my lungs any further by